Thursday, 21 March 2013

Politics is Rubbish

Politics in Britain is rubbish. Genuinely rubbish. If, like me, at the last election you voted for the Liberal Democrats, it's even more rubbish. See, I don't like the Tories and I don't like Labour. So I went out and voted for the Lib Dem's. The Lib Dem's then used the votes given to them by people like me and joined up with the Tories. Thus we have a Tory government. You can see why this has me a bit merked. It would be like going to Burger King and ordering a Whopper but then getting a Big Mac because Burger King had decided to go into a partnership with McDonalds but have also decided to no longer sell their own food. Essentially, Britain is now like walking into a Burger King but all the food is being sold by Ronald McDonald. It doesn't attract anyone. The Burger King fans are annoyed because they can't have a Whopper and the Mcdonalds fans are annoyed because they've got to eat their McNuggets in an unfamiliar interior. It's all a giant mess.
Disgusted by what has happened, I've decided no longer to support the Lib Dem's. They will not have my vote again, unless all the people who were responsible for making this decision leave the party. This is going to take a while. I am morally and ethically opposed to the Tory Party, so they are out as well. I am neither a racist nor a fascist so the BNP is a definite no. I'm actually reasonably pro Europe so UKIP won't be getting my vote. I'd rather wipe my bum with sand paper than vote for any party linked to George Galloway and I think the Green Party is a wasted vote. That all leaves Labour.
I'm not sure about Labour. Never have been. Labour will always be the party of Tony Blair to me. The party that led us into an illegal war in Iraq and the party that pretty much 0amde us into a CC-TV nation. What with ID cards and everything else, Labour's genuine disregard for our civil and personal liberties is the biggest reason to NOT vote for them in my eyes. That being said, Unemployment did drop for quite a while under the Labour government and they did bring in the minimum wage too which has been a giant positive step in worker/employer relations. Forcing employers by law to pay workers a guaranteed minimum amount was a huge victory for every day to day working person and I hope we never forget what a momentous act it was. That being said, I'm still not a Labour supporter and as of right now they do not have my vote.
The reasons are mostly due to my own prejudices’ but also due to the fact that I am getting increasingly annoyed by their form of opposition. The Labour approach to opposition these days is to basically come out and say "the government is doing everything wrong. WRONG I SAY!". Now, this is perfectly fine, for a party who've just announced a new leader and are trying to find their voice. Ed Milliband has been Labour for quite a while now. Even longer than quite a while actually. In fact, you could probably say he's been leader for a decent amount of time. He's certainly been leader enough to actually have some policies by now. Problem is, Eddy Baby doesn't have any policies. I mean literally he has none. Not a single one. I couldn't tell you his stance on anything. All I can tell you about Edward Von Milliband Esq is that he thinks David Cameron is rubbish. He thinks David Cameron is a bad prime minster. That's it. That's all I know about his political views. I'm sorry but how am I supposed to do anything with that? You'd expect him to think that David Cameron is a rubbish PM because otherwise he'd be in the government and not THE LEADER OF THE OPPOSITION. The clue is kind of in the name there really.
What really set me off was Millibands latest performance in Prime Minsters Questions. Mills took Cam-Bone to task for doing a U-Turn on his cheaper alcohol policy. He made a joke about how Camzilla couldn't organise a you-know-what in a brewery. Everyone on the labour side laughed and guffawed (somewhat like Tories from the 80's actually) and clapped away because Millidizzle had smacked Cam-Dog with a giant zinger. It was a reasonably good line that I'm sure Eddy had practiced in the mirror 50 times before PMQ's. It really wound me up though. It would be one thing to take a cheap shot at the PM if you had something else to offer instead but Labour have nothing. Literally nothing. I've yet to see Ed Milliband declare a stance on anything yet. I'm begging him to come up with a policy. Seriously, any policy. "No more money for nuclear weapons", "More money for nuclear weapons", "More immigration", "less immigration", "disband the house of lords", "free corsets for the under five's", ANYTHING!!!
To all Labour supporters I really only have one question. Why do you support them? It can't be because you connect with their values and policies because they don't have any. I have come to the conclusion that the only people who support Labour are people who think the Tories are rubbish and just want to vote for somebody different in the vague hope that different = better. If that's the way you are going to be, you might as well not vote. I will only vote for someone if I think they are going to do a better job than the person already voted in. That's the whole point of politics as far as I'm concerned. You vote someone in, they do something, someone else comes along and says how they would do it differently and then you base your next voting decision on that information. This has now been twisted to the point that you vote for someone but they then join up with someone completely opposite allowing them to get into power, they do something, someone else comes along and says they are doing a bad job but gives no information on how they would do it differently and then you somehow try and work out how the frick you're going to vote. NO WONDER LESS THAN 50% OF THE ELECTORATE VOTES!!!!
People seem fixated that Ed Milliband sounds a bit weird and looks kind of nerdy. All the commentators seem to care about is his personality or lack there of. This is immaterial. Ed Milliband could have the charisma of a damp rag and the personality of a nursery school janitor and STILL get into power if people felt he had any idea on how to run the country. Look at John Major for proof that personality is no where near as important as people thinking you'd be better at the job than the other guy. Maggie Thatcher (the Baboon from the Lagoon) was pretty widely disliked and seen as an un-caring person who stole kids milk money but she appeared to have the better policies (And unlike Blair she won her war) than Michael Foot who's manifesto for the 1983 election was called "The longest suicide note in political history". Say what you want about Thatcher, Major or Foot but by gum they knew where they stood and they weren't afraid to show it.
This insistency from politicians to try and get away from policies and beliefs is that eventually no party will have a clear idea on anything and extreme right wing and left wing parties (Like the BNP and Greens) will see a surge in their popularity for the simple reason that they actually believe in something. Labour need to show us where they stand and what they plan to do, otherwise the already waning interest in politics in this country will continue it's never ending erosion.

Friday, 1 March 2013


Don't give me disposable income. Just don't, because I'll spend it on anything. Seriously. Comics, Video Games, DVD's, CD's, Wrestling Gear, Magazines, Football Tickets, Oreo's and anything else that takes my fancy. Every room in my house is groaning with DVD's and CD's. I can barely bloody move. I had a clear out around Christmas time and ended up bunging 4 bags full of stuff to the charity shop and I STILL can't fit everything in my house. I've had to cut down on my DVD purchasing and I've stopped buying comics altogether. I told myself that I did this to save myself some money but really I did it because I just didn't have enough room to store 15 issues of "Bat-Wing" and another 15 issues of "Invincible" (Which was one of the non DC or Marvel comics that I quite enjoyed along with "Hell Yeah". Only "Hell Yeah" survived the cull though, probably because I only have 5 issues of that)

I am a little down about this because I was really enjoying the Doctor Who/Star Trek cross-over comic "Assimilation Squared" and "Death of the Family" had just started as well. I guess I'll have to wait for the trade on those two. I would love to jump back in at some point if for the only reason that I love discussing comics about as much as I love discussing sport and wrestling. This must be why I like CHIKARA so much as it seamlessly combines athletic endeavour with wrestling showmanship and comic book incredulity. Having a drunken discussion about how awesome Jason Todd is with my friend Phil in a MacDonalds late on a Saturday night are the kind of moments that I live for.

At the moment, the things in my house taking up the most space are my ever growing collection of football DVD's. It started with me just picking up some Everton DVD's online (95 FA Cup Final, Cup Winners Cup Final etc). I then started getting some of the Everton matches not officially released on DVD from certain unnamed sources. I know that you shouldn't really buy bootleg DVD's but these were matches that weren't sold in the shops or online. I actually contacted SKY Sports and ITV, who own most of the rights to the matches, and asked them if they would have any intention of releasing any of the matches officially. ITV declined to answer and SKY essentially fobbed me off with a "we'll take it under advisement" reply. I for one find it a crying shame that I've been reduced to getting hold of the games this way.

Anyone who knows me will be able to tell you that I am more than happy to buy the official release of DVD's and CD's. The only time I would ever buy a bootleg DVD would be if it was impossible for me to acquire the footage legally. There are so many VHS's of old WCW shows that you just can't get any more. In the UK, you can't even get WWE on Demand so you are essentially left with only two options

1. Not watch it

2. Get it via illegal means

There's nothing more frustrating than being denied something when you are practically begging the people involved to take your money. How WWE don't have a service where you email them, pay a fee and then have them send a DVD of whatever you want baffles me to this day. It would essentially give them a license to print money as there would always be a nerd like me who will happily shovel money into their coffers in return for every episode of ECW Hardcore TV (uncensored with real music. WWE could do this with an on demand DVD service as it wouldn't be a mass marketed DVD. It's impossible for Metallica's lawyers to check EVERY personalized DVD WWE send out. The man power alone would make it non-financially viable)

Since buying the Everton DVD's I've since tried to add to my collection by picking up other matches. I started collecting FA Cup Finals on DVD and thankfully it's easy to pick most of these up through ILC Sports. You can buy most of them from the ILC website or through Amazon. DVD prices range from about £3 to £11-12 for the rarer ones. DVD's of league cup finals are a bit sparser so I've had to rely on bootlegging to pick some of those up. These are mostly ones from the 80's. However, if they start selling some of the bootlegs I have on official releases, I will pick those up, mainly because a nice official DVD looks better on a shelf. My house is filling though with random football DVD's that I keep picking up, both official and bootleg. World Cup and European Championship matches prove much harder to get hold off through official channels so most of those reside in my bootleg collection.

A large chunk of my wrestling collection is official releases. Pretty much anything WWE and ECW is official mainly because they seem to have been most on the ball when it comes to releasing DVD's. ECW, despite being arguably a much smaller company, completely eclipses WCW when it comes to releasing events on DVD and VHS. ECW released every PPV from 97-2001 in the space of two years. They were even bringing them out after the company had folded. WCW released a pitiful amount of pay per views during the same period. They released Uncensored 99, Spring Stamped 99, Bash at the Beach 99, Starcade 99 and then the first 6 of 2000. Yes, they skipped about 6 shows in 99. This may have been a blessing in disguise because most of the 99 PPV's were horrible.

Still though, who the hell was overseeing the Video department during this period? WCW's internal woes seemingly translated from the incoherent booking of the product to incoherent schedules for their video releases. There was a market for WCW Stuff in the UK as well. I still haven't seen most of WCW's pay per views during their big boom of 96-98 because getting hold of them is next to arduous. ECW not only released their PPV events but also re-released most of the home video shows (granted with over dubbed music) and a couple of compilations of Hardcore TV. WWE are miles ahead of both companies though, especially as regards to making most of their releases available to UK customers. WWE not only releases pretty much all of its DVD's in the UK (aside from The Billy Graham DVD from years back) but also release "WWE Tagged Classics", which is where they pretty much weld their old VHS releases onto DVD and release them for sale.

The only downside is that WWE will soon no longer be dealing with Silver Vision which means that we can probably say goodbye to the tagged classics range which sucks mighty hard. Thankfully, I've plugged most of the gaps in my collection using the Tagged Classics series as far as PPV shows are concerned, which was the main benefit I got from the series really. It may have been cheaper to traipse between e-bay and amazon to pick up the original In Your House Shows on VHS but to just pay £15 and have them on a DVD really simplifies matters (And more importantly, takes up less space on my shelf). If it hadn’t been for years of collecting WWF/E pay per views on VHS, I would just take the financial hit of buying all the tagged classics and would sell/throw out all the VHS’s I have. This would be far too much hassle though so I haven’t really contemplated it.

I wouldn't consider myself a hoarder. It's not like I can't bring myself to chuck away a used tissue or an old bus ticket. But when it comes to DVD's, CD's. Books and Magazines I suddenly don't want to see them go. At some point I'm going to have to get rid of more stuff, if only to avoid the strain it will put on the emergency services to dig me out from under a mountain of 4-4-2 magazines. The only other thing for it is for me to become vastly better off and move to a house where I can have a special room where I plonk everything down in continually rising stacks. . That would be the biggest perk of being rich, being able to afford a room big enough to store my DVD and Comic collection. That and a brand new Honda Accord straight off the car lot! Sadly, that is a mere pipe dream so it looks like I'm going to have to keep finding nooks and crannies for all the nonsense I collect for many days to come.

Oh and to all the companies complaining about piracy, maybe if you made your product easier to purchase, people would actually purchase it through official channels? Just a thought.