Thursday, 14 August 2014

Good luck to those at the FSF who will be marching today

For the longest time now, I've been hoping that something can be done about some of the crazy ticket prices for football matches in the UK.

This is something that should be reviewed at all levels, but the Premier League especially.

I'm somewhat lucky that I support a side in Everton that has one of the lower costs for season tickets. Mine came in at roughly £600 this year. That's a fair chunk of change, as you'd imagine. The sad thing is that there are tickets that go for far FAR more than that.

I'm lucky that I'm just about able to afford a season ticket but the costs for away games are getting out of hand. An away game at Arsenal for example, even if I'm just down for the day, can come close to an eye watering £150 when you factor in travel costs and ticket prices. It would be even more if I was staying over night and had to factor in for accomodation.

I know Arsenal cop it a lot for their ticket prices, and all London clubs suffer from the travel costs, but they are by far one of the worst offenders. Everton are not completely blameless either. Yes, they may be cheaper than quite a few other clubs, but paying as much as we do to watch top level football in this country is a real sickener, especially when you consider how rich the league itself is.

Those marching today will have my fullest support!

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